Friday 3 June 2011

The Difference Between Blackjack and Betfair’s Zero Blackjack

Zero Blackjack is offered at Betfair and has had the house rules slightly changed to minimise the house advantage. For the basic strategy player, zero blackjack will give you close to a dead even game and it is highly recommend to players so check if Betfair is available in your country.

What are the differences between Blackjack and Zero Blackjack on Bet fair?

  1. The dealer peeks when he has an ace or a 10. If he has a blackjack, it automatically wins. This saves you from doubling your 11s and wasting your money.
  2. Dealer stands on soft 17. This is great for the player, since when the dealer hits on soft 17 he is more likely to improve his hand and has no chance of busting.
  3. Pays double for 5 card 21. (Note: Stick to basic strategy and don’t unnecessarily chase the magic 5 card 21).
  4. Pays 2 to 1 for natural suited blackjack (i.e. Jack Spades & Ace Spades) instead of 3 to 2. This is an improved payout that is better for the player in the long run.
Where on Betfair can the Zero Blackjack be found? 

Zero Blackjack is not available on the Betfair website. Instead, you must download the Betfair casino to your laptop or computer where you will then be able to play Zero Blackjack as an when you feel like.
Need more information on Betfair’s Zero Blackjack?
Betfair have created this helpful video for you to watch, it will help you to full understand the concept and changes in their Zero Blackjack:

Extract Money From Texas Hold’em Exchange Games

This Betfair Poker Exchange Game Method will take minutes to learn and you could be cashing in within the hour on this one!
What I’m going to teach you is a very simple Betfair method on how to make endless profits by playing the Betfair poker exchange games. Let me first tell you about the exchange games. Firstly, you your not betting against the site, you bet against other punters. By saying this it proves that the games are not going to be fixed because whatever you win, someone else is losing… in other words, the money is just being exchanged. Betfair are just taking there commision as normal.
If you follow the rules and learn to spot which hands to play and which hands to leave then this can be a very profitable Betfair poker exchange game method.

Read on below to find out how this Betfair poker method works:
You need to wait until everyone has had a card drawn. It will basically show 2 draw cards for every “Player”. The public cards at the top must still be hidden.
What you must now do, is lay the hand which is at odds of anything between 3.85 and 5. The player may NOT have cards of the same suite. As you can see, in the above example, hand 1 and hand 4 qualify to be laid, but as you can see, hand 1 has two diamond cards, while hand 4 has cards with different suites.
All you have to do is then place a lay bet on the one hand that qualifies. At time’s you’ll find there are no qualifiers’ to bet on but I would say 80% of the time you are able to bet. To sum up the system rules again…
1. Wait for each player to have the two cards dealt while all public cards remain hidden
2. Lay one hand at odds between 3.85 and 5.00. Nothing higher and nothing lower
3. The hand you lay may not have 2 cards with the same suite
Simple, easy and the bank will grow. Give it a test for yourself. It’s incredible. One last pointer – If you find that there are two hands which have qualified for the betting, lay the hand with the lower odds of the qualifiers. Lower the odds, lower the liability.

How is the Betfair Virtual Racing different?

The obvious difference is that all the horses are fake and are just computer generated unlike the real horses that relies on real horses running. The difference you will not know from the name: Betfair Virtual Racing, is that the horses run perfectly in terms of their form and their racing strategy. If a horse has come first in it’s previous 5 races then it is highly likely it will come first or second in its next race.
Can you make money with Betfair Virtual Racing?
Betfair Virtual Racing is something that an awful lot of people have no considered because it is unknown territory. I for one have not considered it as my knowledge is highly limited, but from what I have seen, there is an awful lot of potential to earn big money with the Betfair Virtual Racing. Because the horses run according to their form it is far easier to predict the outcome of the race and therefore your strike rate is much much higher.
What are the advantages of the Betfair Virtual Racing?
With the Betfair Virtual Racing, you can watch the race you are betting on, while trading out and so on. Everything involving your research and betting is done within one screen. You can always see the order of the races, how many horses, the current race feed as well as tabs to view results, form and the betting form.

The Method:

Why Does This Work?
It is just a fact, that Athletes only peak for a few races because if they continue to work as hard as they do, then they risk injury. They therefore plan their races carefully, by ensuring they put in as much effort on the high prize important races and they then rest themselves for the lesser important. Horses are athletes.
The Actual Method:
1. Look at any given race and then look at the form for the favourite, the second favourite and the third favourite. What you are looking for is a horse whose past 3 races have shown good form. This means you need to find a horse with their last results being either 1st or 2nd.
2. Once you have found a horse in a race that has performed well in AT LEAST its last 3 races, lay it. The great thing about this system is that a lot of people back these horses because they feel the horse is running well which brings the odds down. The lower the odds, the lower your liability.
3. If a race has more than one qualifying horse, you have two options:
a) Lay both horses and dutch them so that you win even if just one of your horses ‘loses’.
b) Lay the horse with the lowest odds so the lowest liability.